‘Koi’ – set van 2

Currently on display at She art gallery in Nuenen. / Momenteel beschikbaar bij She art gallery in Nuenen.


These Koi fish I made especially for the Japanese cherry blossom exhibition at she art gallery.

These decorative fish symbolize courage, bravery, perseverance and love. In Japan they call them ‘Nishikigoi’ (coloured fish). The Tancho variety is especially loved for it’s white colour and red dot on the head, which resembles the Japanese flag. The koi radiate peace and serenity in many Asian gardens. On a spiritual level they stand for strength and the perseverance to face the challenges in life.

Size: 99 cm for the large one and 64 cm for the smaller one.

Please don’t place these artworks in direct sunlight or near a heatsource.

Foto van Marlies Geldof

Marlies Geldof

My name is Marlies Geldof. I specialize in resin art, structural art and acrylic pouring techniques.

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